ٹیپو سلطان کا سفر آخرت

وہ عالمِ تصور میں میسور کے شیر کو ایک خوفناک دھاڑ کے ساتھ اپنے پرحملہ آور ہوتا دیکھ کر چونک جاتا تھا‘ اسکی سپاہ سرنگا پٹم کے میدان میں جمع ہونے والے سپاہیان اسلام کی نعشوں میں میسور کے شیر کو تلاش کر رہے تھے

مسلمانوں کے ملک میں پرندے بھوک سے نا مر جائیں

زیر نظر تصویر ترکی کی ہے جہاں ایک بہت پرانی اسلامی روایت ابھی تک زندہ ہے کہ جب سردی کا عروج ہو اور پہاڑوں پر برف پڑ جائے تو یہ لوگ چوٹیوں پر چڑھ کر اس وقت تک دانہ پھیلاتے رہتے ہیں جب تک برفباری ہوتی رہے۔ اور یہ اس لیئے ہے کہ پرندے اس موسم میں کہیں بھوک سے نا مر جائیں۔

پاپا نے پادری بنانا چاہا ۔۔۔مگر۔۔۔؟

میں اپنے کسی کام کے سلسلہ میں ’’تیونس‘‘ گیا۔ میں اپنے یونیورسٹی کے دوستوں کے ساتھ یہاں کے ایک گاؤں میں تھا۔ وہاں ہم دوست اکٹھے کھا پی رہے تھے۔ گپ شپ لگا رہے تھے کہ اچانک اذان کی آواز بلند ہوئی اللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر۔۔۔

داستان ایک متکبر کی

سبحان الله ! یہ تھا اسلام کا انصاف

میں اپنا ثواب نہیں بیچوں گا

عموریہ کی جنگ میں پیش آنے والا ایک دلچسپ واقعہ

30 ستمبر، 2010

Suna hai Jangloon ka b koe dastoor hota hy

Suna hai Jangloon ka b koe dastoor hota hy

Allah kay Khauf say tar ankhon ko aman hai by Orya Maqbool Jan

Allah kay Khauf say tar ankhon ko aman hai by Orya Maqbool Jan

TTP warns of struggle to "free Dr Aafia"

TTP warns of struggle to "free Dr Aafia"




Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan has vowed to bring back Dr Aafia Siddiqui, a US-trained Pakistani neuroscientist accused of firing at US soldiers and FBI agents in Afghanistan in 2008 as she tried to escape from their custody by force.
Dr Aafia was handed a 86-year sentence by a federal court in Manhattan, US, on September 23.
Azam Tariq, Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan spokesperson, told rediff.com, "Protests and rallies could not compel the Americans freeing Aafia but only the holy jihad can do this job. If the Americans were targeted around the world, no infidel would dare to arrest or punish any Muslim daughter."
Talking via telephone from an undisclosed location, Tariq said, "Dr Aafia is innocent; and the champion of justice has done injustice in this case. The mujahid forces will never implore the Americans for her release but will bring back the Muslim sister through sheer force."
Pakistan Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has reiterated the government's commitment to leave no stone unturned while bringing back Dr Aafia, also known as prisoner 650, and said that his government will use all means to seek her repatriation.
Reacting to Gillani's statement, Tariq said, "It is only lip service, neither the issue was taken seriously up by the government nor can Pakistan act against America's wish."
Azam added, "Americans will have to pay for this barbaric act; the act of injustice with Aafia is unbearable. Mujahideen will target the Americans all around the world and the infidels forces will meet their fate soon in the form of destruction."

ایسے لوگ اب پھر کبھی لوٹ کر نہیں آئیں گے

Aisay log phir kabi loat kar nahe aen gay..

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم
السلام و علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ

ایسے لوگ
 اب پھر کبھی لوٹ کر نہیں آئیں گے

دو نوجوان  سیدنا عمر  رضی اللہ عنہ  کی محفل میں داخل ہوتے ہی محفل میں بیٹھے ایک شخص  کے سامنے جا کر کھڑے ہو جاتے ہیں اور اسکی طرف انگلی کر کے کہتے ہیں یا عمر ؓ یہ ہے وہ شخص!
سیدنا عمر ؓ  ان سے پوچھتے ہیں ، کیا کیا ہے اس شخص نے؟
یا امیر المؤمنین، اس نے ہمارے باپ کو قتل  کیا ہے۔
کیا کہہ رہے ہو، اس نے تمہارے باپ کو قتل کیا ہے؟ سیدنا عمرؓ پوچھتے ہیں۔
سیدنا عمر ؓ اس شخص سے مخاطب ہو کر پوچھتے ہیں، کیا تو نے ان کے باپ کو قتل کیا ہے؟
وہ شخص کہتا ہے : ہاں امیر المؤمنین،  مجھ سے قتل ہو گیا ہے انکا باپ۔
کس طرح قتل کیا ہے؟ سیدنا عمرؓ پوچھتے ہیں۔
یا عمرؓ، انکا باپ اپنے اونٹ سمیت میرے کھیت میں داخل ہو گیا تھا، میں نے منع کیا، باز نہیں آیا تو میں نے  ایک پتھر دے مارا۔ جو سیدھا اس کے سر میں لگا اور وہ موقع پر مر گیا۔
پھر تو قصاص دینا  پڑے گا، موت ہے اسکی سزا۔  سیدنا عمرؓ کہتے ہیں۔

نہ فیصلہ لکھنے کی ضرورت، اور فیصلہ بھی ایسا اٹل کہ جس پر کسی بحث و مباحثے کی بھی گنجائش نہیں، نہ ہی اس شخص سے اسکے کنبے کے بارے میں کوئی سوال کیا گیا ہے، نہ ہی یہ پوچھا گیا ہے کہ تعلق کسقدر  شریف خاندان  سے ہے، نہ ہی یہ پوچھنے کی ضرورت محسوس کی گئی ہے کی تعلق کسی  معزز قبیلے سے تو نہیں، معاشرے میں کیا رتبہ یا مقام ہے؟ ان سب باتوں سے بھلا سیدنا عمر ؓ کو مطلب ہی کیا ہے!! کیوں کہ معاملہ اللہ کے دین کا ہو تو عمر ؓ پر کوئی اثر انداز نہیں ہو سکتا اور نہ ہی کوئی اللہ کی شریعت کی تنفیذ کے معاملے  پر عمرؓ کو  روک سکتا ہے۔ حتی کہ سامنے عمرؓ کا اپنا بیٹا ہی کیوں نہ  قاتل کی حیثیت سے آ  کھڑا ہو، قصاص تو اس سے بھی لیا جائے گا۔

وہ شخص کہتا ہے ا ے امیر المؤمنین: اس کے نام پر جس کے حکم سے یہ زمین و آسمان قائم کھڑے ہیں مجھے صحراء میں واپس اپنی بیوی بچوں کے پاس  جانے دیجیئے تاکہ میں انکو بتا آؤں کہ میں قتل کر دیا جاؤں گا۔ ان کا اللہ اور میرے سوا کوئی آسرا نہیں ہے، میں اسکے بعد واپس آ جاؤں گا۔
سیدنا عمر ؓ کہتے ہیں: کون تیری ضمانت دے گا کہ تو صحراء  میں جا کر واپس بھی آ جائے گا؟
مجمع پر ایک خاموشی چھا جاتی ہے۔ کوئی بھی تو  ایسا نہیں ہے جو اسکا  نام تک بھی جانتا ہو۔ اسکے قبیلے، خیمےیا  گھر وغیرہ کے بارے میں جاننے کا معاملہ تو بعد کی بات ہے۔
کون ضمانت دے اسکی؟ کیا یہ دس درہم کے ادھار یا  زمین کے ٹکڑے  یا کسی اونٹ کے سودے  کی ضمانت کا معاملہ ہے؟  ادھر تو ایک گردن کی ضمانت دینے کی بات ہے جسے تلوار سے اڑا دیا جانا ہے۔

اور کوئی ایسا بھی تو نہیں ہے جو اللہ کی شریعت کی تنفیذ کے معاملے پر عمرؓ سے اعتراض  کرے، یا پھر اس شخص کی سفارش کیلئے ہی کھڑا ہو جائے۔ اور کوئی ہو بھی نہیں سکتا جو سفارشی بننے کی سوچ سکے۔

محفل میں موجود  صحابہ پر ایک خاموشی سی چھا گئی ہے، اس صورتحال سے خود عمر ؓ  بھی متأثر ہیں۔ کیوں کہ اس شخص کی حالت  نے سب کو ہی حیرت میں ڈال کر رکھ دیا ہے۔ کیا اس شخص کو واقعی قصاص کے طور پر قتل کر دیا جائے اور اس کے بچے بھوکوں مرنے کیلئے چھوڑ دیئے جائیں؟  یا پھر اسکو بغیر ضمانتی کے واپس جانے دیا  جائے؟  واپس نہ آیا تو مقتول کا خون رائیگاں جائے گا!
خود سیدنا   عمرؓ  سر جھکائے افسردہ بیٹھے ہیں  ہیں اس صورتحال پر، سر اُٹھا کر التجا بھری نظروں سے نوجوانوں کی طرف دیکھتے ہیں، معاف کر دو اس شخص کو۔
نہیں امیر المؤمنین، جو ہمارے باپ کو قتل کرے اسکو چھوڑ دیں، یہ تو ہو ہی نہیں سکتا، نوجوان اپنا آخری فیصلہ بغیر کسی جھجھک کے سنا دیتے ہیں۔

عمرؓ ایک بار پھر مجمع کی طرف دیکھ کر بلند آواز سے پوچھتے ہیں ، اے لوگو ، ہے کوئی تم میں سے جو اس کی ضمانت دے؟
ابو ذر غفاری ؓ اپنے زہد و صدق سے بھر پور بڑھاپے کے ساتھ کھڑے ہو کر کہتے ہیں میں ضمانت دیتا ہوں اس شخص کی!
سیدنا عمرؓ کہتے ہیں ابوذر ، اس نے قتل کیا ہے۔
چاہے قتل ہی کیوں نہ کیا ہو، ابوذر ؓ اپنا اٹل فیصلہ سناتے ہیں۔
عمرؓ: جانتے ہو اسے؟
ابوذرؓ: نہیں جانتا اسے۔
عمرؓ: تو پھر کس طرح ضمانت دے رہے ہو؟
ابوذرؓ: میں نے اس کے چہرے پر مومنوں کی صفات دیکھی ہیں، اور مجھے ایسا لگتا ہے یہ جھوٹ نہیں بول رہا، انشاء اللہ یہ لوٹ کر واپس آ جائے گا۔
عمرؓ: ابوذرؓ دیکھ لو اگر یہ تین دن میں لوٹ کر نہ آیا تو مجھے تیری جدائی کا صدمہ دیکھنا پڑے گا۔
امیر المؤمنین، پھر اللہ مالک ہے۔ ابوذر اپنے فیصلے پر ڈٹے ہوئے جواب دیتے ہیں۔
سیدنا عمرؓ سے تین دن کی مہلت پا کر وہ شخص رخصت ہو جاتا ہے، کچھ ضروری تیاریوں کیلئے، بیوی بچوں کو الوداع کہنے، اپنے بعد اُن کے لئے کوئی راہ دیکھنے، اور اس کے قصاص کی ادئیگی کیلئے قتل کئے جانے کی غرض سے لوٹ کر  واپس آنے کیلئے۔

اور پھر تین راتوں کے بعد، عمر ؓ بھلا کیسے اس امر کو بھلا پاتے، انہوں نے تو ایک ایک لمحہ گن کر کاٹا تھا، عصر کے وقت  شہر میں  (الصلاۃ جامعہ) کی منادی پھر جاتی ہے، نوجوان اپنے باپ کا قصاص لینے کیلئے بے چین اور لوگوں کا مجمع اللہ کی شریعت کی تنفیذ دیکھنے کے لئے جمع ہو چکا ہے۔
ابو ذرؓ بھی تشریف لاتے ہیں اور آ کر عمرؓ کے سامنے بیٹھ جاتے ہیں۔
کدھر ہے وہ آدمی؟ سیدنا عمرؓ سوال کرتے ہیں۔
مجھے کوئی پتہ نہیں ہے یا امیر المؤمنین، ابوذرؓ مختصر جواب دیتے ہیں۔
ابوذرؓ آسمان کی طرف دیکھتے ہیں جدھر سورج ڈوبنے کی جلدی میں معمول سے سے زیادہ تیزی کے ساتھ جاتا دکھائی دے رہا ہے۔
محفل میں ہو کا عالم ہے، اللہ کے سوا کوئی نہیں جانتا کہ آج کیا  ہونے جا رہا ہے؟
یہ سچ ہے کہ ابوذرؓ سیدنا عمرؓ کے دل میں بستے ہیں، عمرؓ سے ان کے جسم کا ٹکڑا  مانگیں تو عمرؓ دیر نہ کریں کاٹ کر ابوذرؓ کے حوالے کر دیں، لیکن ادھر معاملہ شریعت کا ہے، اللہ کے احکامات کی بجا آوری کا ہے، کوئی کھیل تماشہ نہیں ہونے جا رہا، نہ ہی کسی کی حیثیت یا صلاحیت کی پیمائش ہو رہی ہے، حالات و واقعات کے مطابق نہیں  اور نہ ہی زمان و مکان کو بیچ میں لایا جانا ہے۔ قاتل نہیں آتا تو ضامن کی گردن جاتی نظر آ رہی ہے۔
مغرب سے چند لحظات پہلےوہ شخص آ جاتا ہے، بے ساختہ حضرت عمرؓ کے منہ سے اللہ اکبر کی صدا نکلتی ہے، ساتھ ہی مجمع بھی اللہ اکبر کا ایک بھرپور نعرہ لگاتا ہے۔
عمرؓ اس شخص سے مخاطب ہو کر کہتے ہیں اے شخص، اگر تو لوٹ کر نہ بھی آتا تو ہم نے تیرا کیا کر لینا تھا، نہ ہی تو کوئی تیرا گھر جانتا تھا اور نہ ہی کوئی تیرا پتہ جانتا تھا!
امیر المؤمنین، اللہ کی قسم، بات آپکی نہیں ہے بات اس ذات کی ہے جو سب ظاہر و پوشیدہ کے بارے میں جانتا ہے، دیکھ لیجئے میں آ گیا ہوں، اپنے بچوں کو  پرندوں کے چوزوں کی طرح  صحراء میں تنہا چھوڑ کر، جدھر نہ درخت کا سایہ ہے اور نہ ہی پانی کا نام و نشان۔ میں قتل کر دیئے جانے کیلئے حاضر ہوں۔ مجھے بس یہ ڈر تھا کہیں کوئی یہ نہ کہہ دے کہ اب لوگوں میں سے وعدوں کا ایفاء ہی اُٹھ گیا ہے۔
سیدنا عمرؓ نے ابوذر کی طرف رخ کر کے پوچھا ابوذرؓ، تو نے کس بنا پر اسکی ضمانت دے دی تھی؟
ابوذرؓ نے کہا، اے عمرؓ، مجھے اس بات کا ڈر تھا کہیں کوئی یہ نہ کہہ دے کہ اب لوگوں سے خیر ہی اٹھا لی گئی ہے۔
سید عمرؓ نے ایک لمحے کیلئے توقف کیا اور پھر ان دو نوجوانوں سے پوچھا کہ کیا کہتے ہو اب؟
نوجوانوں نے روتے ہوئے جواب دیا، اے امیر المؤمنین، ہم اس کی صداقت کی وجہ سے اسے معاف کرتے ہیں، ہمیں اس بات کا ڈر ہے کہ کہیں کوئی یہ نہ کہہ دے کہ اب لوگوں میں سے عفو اور درگزر ہی اُٹھا لیا گیا ہے۔

سیدناؓ عمر اللہ اکبر پکار اُٹھے اور آنسو انکی ڈاڑھی کو تر کرتے نیچے گر رہے تھے۔۔۔۔
اے نوجوانو! تمہاری عفو و درگزر پر اللہ تمہیں جزائے خیر دے۔
اے ابو ذرؓ! اللہ تجھے اس شخص کی مصیبت میں مدد پر جزائے خیر دے۔
اور اے شخص،  اللہ تجھے اس وفائے عہد و صداقت پر جزائے خیر دے۔
اور اے امیر المؤمنین، اللہ تجھے تیرے عدل و رحمدلی پر جزائے خیر دے۔
محدثین میں سے ایک یوں کہتے ہیں، قسم ہے اس ذات کی جس کے قبضے میں میری جان ہے، اسلام اور ایمان کی سعادتیں تو عمرؓ کے کفن کے ساتھ ہی دفن ہو گئی تھیں۔

اس مضمون کو پڑھتے ہوئے کسی لمحے آپکو اپنی آنکھوں میں نمی سی محسوس ہو تو جہاں اپنی مغفرت کی دعاء کیجئے وہاں اس خاکسار کو بھی یاد کیجیے اور امّت مسلمہ کی بہتری کے لیے دعاء کیجیے گا۔
الله پاک ہم سب کو دین کے مطابق زندگی گزارنے کی توفیق عطا کرے. اور اس قحط الرجال کے دور میں وہ نیک انسان عطا کرے جو امت کے دردوں کا مداوا کر سکے


Thanks To Muhamamd Saleem shanto For Translating This from arabic

May ALLAH Bless him

Hazrat umer farooq ka insaaf.
Islam, emaan ke sahadtein
aik emaan afrroz waqiya.
bohat pyari story

aisay hotay hain musalman hukmaran
islami hakoomat aise hote hai

Inqilaab_bacha Jamhora ke paishan goian..

Inqilaab_bacha Jamhora ke paishan goian..

29 ستمبر، 2010

Youngest soldier of Pakistan Army

Child joins Pakistan Army for 1 day - Blood Cancer victim's last wish from life !

Youngest soldier of Pakistan Army, little Abdul Basit is a blood cancer victim. An NGO 'Make a Wish Foundation' had started campaign to fulfill the lifetime dreams of such children. AbdulBasit also, was asked about his best wish of life.

Abdul Basit told that his wish & utmost desire is to become a soldier of Pakistan Army & he is ready for it even if allowed for one day. His desire passed through the NGO to the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. General Kayani took special interest & permitted the little blood-cancer patient to become a soldier of Pak Army for one day(14th August-Independence day).

Young soldier reached his unit 30th Punjab in Malir Cantt, Karachi on the 63rd Independence day of Pakistan. Though very week because of his fatal disease, he was very proud & full of spirit.

The young soldier was warmly welcomed at the unit. Later, he spent a busy day with officers and men of his unit.

Master Abdul Basit after a day's work with soldiers said that his life time dream to join Pakistan Army has come true and he cherished every minute spent with the soldiers.



Pak Fauj Zindabad.

Pakistan Paindabaad.

Pakistan armed Forces Magzine Hilal

Pakistan armed Forces Magzine Hilal
Read Online

MM Alam’s 1965 feats_detailed research

Speed-shooting Classic - Sqn Ldr M M Alam (Sitara-e-Jurat Bar)

Alam’s Speed-shooting Classic

Columnist Air Cdre M Kaiser Tufail has conducted a detailed research of MM Alam’s 1965 feats.

The evening of 6th September 1965 saw mixed fortunes for the PAF after its pre-emptive strikes against IAF’s forward air bases. 

Pathankot had been administered a crippling blow, with ten aircraft1 destroyed on the ground; however, the strikes against Adampur and Halwara proved largely futile.  The latter strike was particularly costly, as PAF had lost two of its top pilots.  The mood at Sargodha air base was, therefore, as vengeful as it was sombre.

Propping himself on a table in the oft-frequented bar, Sqn Ldr Muhammad Mahmood Alam, the plucky Squadron Commander of No 11 Sqn set the tone for the next day’s operations with a fiery oration.  Addressing the fighter pilots of No 33 Wing who had huddled together in this popular hangout, Alam promised to avenge the blood of Rafiqui and Yunus, the two downed airmen of Sargodha.  Only hours before Alam had brought down a Hunter while leading a dusk strike that was intercepted on the way to Adampur. Brimming with confidence and enthusiasm, Alam assured the gathering that the Sabre could out-manoeuvre the Hunter, a proposition that did not have many takers thus far. Now, with a kill to prove his point, he bayed for more blood.

Sargodha came to be at the business end of IAF’s retaliatory strikes that commenced at dawn on 7th September.  Just after the exit of the first Mystere raid, two pairs of Sabres and a singleton Starfighter were scrambled to replenish the ongoing Combat Air Patrols.  Within a few minutes of getting airborne, they were directed by ground control towards an incoming raid.  After flying eastwards for  10-15 minutes, they were told to turn back as the raiders were already overhead Sargodha. The time was 0547 hrs (PST).

Sqn Ldr D S Jog of No 27 Sqn based at Halwara, was leading a formation of five Hunters that included Sqn Ldr O N Kacker, Flt Lt D N Rathore, Flt T K Choudhry and Flg Off Parihar.  They had initially pulled up to attack Chota Sargodha2, a disused, non-jet-capable airstrip of World War II vintage, which somehow figured out as vital in IAF’s war plans.  Unable to locate any aircraft, the formation turned for the main Sargodha base which lay about eight miles east; however, with attack mechanics not quite under control, the Hunters ended up targeting “a factory-like installation” which, as the Sargodhians would know, was Sultan Textile Mills!  Beating a hasty exit through the barrage of AAA fire, the Hunters headed home but the mission was not quite over.

A pair of Sabres led by Flt Lt Imtiaz Bhatti swooped down on the two trailing Hunters but to his dismay, Bhatti found another pair of Sabres already in a dive, looking set to shoot.  The redoubtable Alam and his wingman Flt Lt Masood Akhtar had beaten him to the “go for the bogeys” call by ‘Killer Control,’ an eagle-eyed lookout tasked to assist in visual sighting of raiders.  Bhatti had to be content with being a grandstand spectator of what was to become a celebrated mission.  The lone Starfighter flown by Flt Lt Arif Iqbal continued to perform its role of a ‘bouncer,’ keeping an eye for troublemakers in the area.

The rear pair of Hunters kept a good lookout and on spotting Alam’s Sabre, did a sharp defensive turn into him.  Alam pulled up to avoid an overshoot and then repositioned again.  Still out of gun range Alam pressed on, but with the Hunters doing a full power run, he settled for a missile shot against the last man.  Firing a Sidewinder from a dive at very low altitude, Alam was not surprised to see it go into the ground.  The best way of launching the early model Sidewinders at such altitudes was to get below the target and fire with a cooler sky for a background, thus easing the missile seeker’s heat discrimination problem.  However, with the Hunters skimming the treetops, going any lower was out of question.  The predicament was soon resolved when the Hunters pulled up to clear a stretch of high-tension cables.  In good range, dead line astern and hearing a loud ‘growl’ that signalled a positive heat source, Alam couldn’t have asked for better firing conditions.  He let go his second Sidewinder, but didn’t see it hit directly.  With an apparent proximity detonation, the missile warhead had dangerously ruptured the Hunter’s fuel lines.  Jog’s formation members heard desperate messages of illuminated warning lights and engine rough-running from the stricken pilot.  Overshooting the crippled Hunter, Alam noticed with amazement that its canopy was missing and there was no pilot inside.  With other Hunters as well as his own wingman to keep an eye on, Alam had obviously missed the ejection sequence.  Looking around, he noticed the pilot coming down by parachute.  Bhatti, who was watching from a distance, recalls, “While Alam was chasing, I continued to look-out for other Hunters as I hadn’t yet given up the prospects of achieving a kill.  We were just short of the river when a flash in the sky caught my eye and I observed an aircraft go down in flames.  I learnt later that the pilot had ejected shortly before the aircraft hit the ground.” 

Sqn Ldr Onkar Nath Kacker had come down near Burjlal, a village (now abandoned) by the bank of Chenab River, about 25 miles south-east of Sargodha.  Quick-witted, he got rid of his map and log card as well as the badges on his flying coveralls. As the villagers rushed towards him, he cleverly introduced himself as a PAF pilot.  The gullible village folk who had never seen a fighter pilot for real, were easily taken in.  An instant hero, Kacker became the centre of adulation as large crowds gathered.  Seeming to be in a hurry to get back to duty, he demanded arrangements for a horse-ride till the main road so that he could flag a bus for his home base, Sargodha!  Kacker almost made a getaway but for the arrival of a sharp-eyed villager, Imdad Hussain Shah, who had watched the whole sequence of shooting down and ejection.  While Kacker was amusing the villagers with his captivating yarns, Shah surprised everyone by charging that the pilot was from IAF and had him trussed up in front of the tongue-tied villagers.  A few hours later a search party from Lalian Police Station arrived and mercifully, saved Kacker from a crowd that was angry and sneering by then.  He spent the next five months as a POW3.

Alam had lost sight of the other Hunters, but with ample fuel he was prepared to fly some distance to catch up with them. Soon after crossing the Chenab River, his wingman Akhtar called out, “Contact, Hunters one o’clock.”  They were flying at 100-200 feet and around 480 knots.  As Alam closed into gunfire range, the Hunters did a half-hearted defensive turn which did nothing to spoil his aim; rather, it set them up in line astern for easy shooting in a row.  Alam fired at the last Hunter against the glow of the rising sun and saw fuel spew out of the drop tanks, which had taken hits from the Sabre’s six guns. In a hurry to score fast, Alam shifted his aim ahead onto the next aircraft and fired another short burst.  The Hunters seemed to fly across Alam’s gunsight like a gaggle of geese, and he obliged repeatedly, four times in all. 

Headed towards Sargodha, Wg Cdr Toric Zachariah, Officer Commanding of No 7 Sqn based at Halwara, was leading the third raid with five Hunters.  The formation included, Sqn Ldr A S Lamba, Sqn Ldr M M Sinha, Sqn Ldr S B Bhagwat and Flg Off J S Brar, the latter two performing the role of armed escorts.  Flying at low level, they were expecting a criss-cross with No 27 Sqn Hunters who were on their way out.  However, just after crossing Sangla Hill, Lamba noticed two Sabres at 11 o’clock position, about 4,000 feet high.  He immediately ordered a hard turn to the left and Zachariah followed up with instructions to abort the mission and exit.  Bhagwat and Brar, however, made the fatal mistake of engaging without jettisoning their external stores4.  Weighed down by ordnance, the Hunters had no chance and were picked off in quick succession by one of the prowling Sabres.  The wrecks of the two aircraft along with the remains of the pilots were found in the fields near Chahoor Mughlian and Siranwali Bulher, two villages near the small town of Sangla Hill5.

Jog’s formation, meanwhile, collected itself and sped away, having miraculously survived Alam’s onslaught.  Jog and his wingman Choudhry had, however, received hits and their aircraft were badly holed up, as they were to discover later after landing6. Rathore and Parihar had remained unscathed.  The two Hunters that went down were in fact from Zachariah’s formation, which by an amazing coincidence and bad timing, had ended up in a horrific jumble!

No 27 Sqn’s egressing and No 7 Sqn’s ingressing formations were about a mile apart when they flew past each other’s port sides, near Sangla Hill.  As Alam dived down upon Jog’s Hunters tail-on, Lamba spotted Bhatti’s pair appearing at a frontal aspect; thinking that they were being attacked, he called a hard turn to the left.  Once Alam was through with firing at Jog and Choudhry in about half a turn, Bhagwat and Brar were neatly placed in line of fire for the second half.

If Lamba had somehow known that Bhatti was really out of the fight, having had a hung drop tank a short while ago, No 7 Sqn strike could have pressed on.  However, with Arif’s Starfighter lurking on top, the inevitable would only have been delayed a few more minutes.  A warning call by Jog might have helped, but that was possible only if he had had enough time to change over to Zachariah’s radio frequency.  It all happened so fast that even Alam was confounded.  

Zachariah’s pilots, as might have Jog’s, considered themselves fortunate that Alam wasn’t aware of the mass exodus that was under way.  Unleashing his wingman could have doomed several more of the fleeing raiders.  Nonetheless,  three Hunters shot down and two damaged was not a bad tally, considering that for some anxious minutes, Alam and his wingman were up against nine of them!

Obviously pleased with himself, Alam announced to the radar controller that he had shot down five Hunters.  An ace-in-a-mission must have sounded like a splendid achievement and, the news spread like wildfire right upto the highest echelons. Alam had barely stepped back in the squadron when Radio Pakistan announced the unparalleled feat of jet combat.  The die had been cast; confirmation of the kills was now of little consequence. Alam’s prolific shooting in the war had, however, left a tidy balance in his account.  He finished the war with a credit of five aircraft7 in just three dogfights, including the speed-shooting classic at Sangla Hill.  For his splendid performance in the latter mission, Alam was awarded a ‘Bar’ to the Sitara-e-Jur’at that he had already earned a day earlier for his first successful encounter with the Hunters.  He continues to remain the top-scoring pilot of the sub-continent, a region that has witnessed numerous dogfights in two major conflicts.  Alam is rightly worthy of a place in the annals of air warfare as “one of the great aces of the jet age.”
  • India’s Official History of 1965 War acknowledges ten aircraft destroyed and three damaged, during the Pathankot raid.

  • IAF is uncertain if the strike reached Chota Sargodha as gun camera cine seems to suggest that the target may have been mistaken for Wegowal.

  • Six surviving eyewitnesses were interviewed recently.  All clearly remembered having seen Kacker’s aircraft being hit, catching fire and, tail section breaking up, contrary to Kacker’s claim of experiencing an engine flame-out at exactly the same instant.  Details of Kacker’s escape charade were narrated by surviving villagers. His POW interrogation report also recounts the incident.

  • The wreckage of Bhagwat’s Hunter included ‘twelve bombs of various sizes,’ as recorded by security staff that seemed unfamiliar with aircraft ordnance; these were actually T-10 rockets and their rockets pods.

  • The remains of Sqn Ldr Bhagwat were taken away by officials of Sangla Hill Police Station and buried in its precincts; those of Flg Off Brar were buried in acre # 21, square # 56, now owned by Noor Muhammad of Siranwali Bulher village.

  • IAF accounts state that Jog and Choudhry saw the Sabre fire at them and they took evasive action.  The timing of the Sabre’s attack is, however, incorrectly stated as being just after the exit from Sargodha.  Alam fired his guns four times in succession only near Sangla Hill and, not on any other occasion.  No other Sabre pilot fired his guns during the engagement.
Alams kills:
  • 6 Sept, 1 Hunter, Sqn Ldr Ajeet Kumar Rawlley, No 7 Sqn, KIA, near Taran Taran.

  • 7 Sept, 3 Hunters, Sqn Ldr Onkar Nath Kacker, No 27 Sqn, POW, Burjlal; Sqn Ldr Suresh B Bhagwat and Flg Off Jagdev Singh Brar, No 7 Sqn, KIA, near Sangla Hill.

  • 16 Sept, 1 Hunter, Flg Off Farokh Dara Bunsha, No 7 Sqn, KIA, near Amritsar.

  • 8 Tribute by Jon Guttman in  Pakistan’s Sabre Ace,  ‘Aviation History,’ Sept 1998.
  • To Air Cdre Imtiaz A Bhatti (Retd), SJ, who conscientiously reconstructed the dogfight and provided valuable information that helped interpret events in new light.
  • To Air Cdre Asif-ur-Rehman (Provost Marshal, AHQ), for arranging interviews with surviving eye-witnesses of 7th Sept ‘65 air action in the villages of Changranwala (where residents of erstwhile Burjlal were relocated after floods), Chahoor Mughlian and Siranwali Bulher.
  • To Gp Capt Aftab Iqbal (Director, Air Intelligence, AHQ), for providing access to unclassified/declassified war records.
  • To Messrs Gulzar Ahmed, Saifullah Kahloon and Ghulam Rasul, Numberdars of Changranwala (Tehsil Chiniot), Chahoor Mughlian (Tehsil Ahmedpur) and Siranwali Bulher (Tehsil Ahmedpur) respectively, for facilitating interviews and spending many hours in the field trying to reconstruct in situ, the air action of 7th Sept ‘65.
  • Battle for Pakistan by John Fricker, Ian Allan Ltd, London 1978.
  • Fiza’ya - Psyche of The Pakistan Air Force by Pushpindar Singh, Ravi Rikhye & Peter Steinemann, Society for Aerospace Studies, New Delhi 1991.
  • Official History of 1965 War by S N Prasad 1992, released on Internet by Times of India in 2000.
  • The Battle Axes - No 7 Squadron IAF 1942-1992 by Pushpindar Singh, Society for Aerospace Studies, New Delhi 1991.
  • Laying the Sargodha Ghost to Rest, by Pushpindar Singh in ‘Vayu Aerospace Review,’ Nov 1985.
  • Bharat Rakshak (Internet) http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/History/1965War
  • The Reply Air Battles of 7th September by Jagan Mohan & Rupak Chattopadhyay
  • 30 Seconds over Sargodha - The Making of a Myth by Rakesh Koshy.

27 ستمبر، 2010

Jaago Pakistan Every Pakistani Muslim Must Watch This (Be Careful When U Buy)

Jaago Pakistan Every Pakistani Muslim Must Watch This (Be Careful When U Buy)

23 ستمبر، 2010

Why India Hates Pakistan

Reasons of "Why India Hates Pakistan"

16 ستمبر، 2010

Sami Yusuf - Hear Your Call (Official Video)

Bloody MQM

True Information about MQM


By Dr Shahid Qureshi.

BLOODY MQM..... Few years ago I asked Shoib Shuddle former of Director General of Intelligence Bureau and Inspector General Police at a reception in London.‘what is your input about the cold blooded targeted killings of Sindh Police officers who took part in the ‘operation’ ordered by Benazir Bhutto’ in 1995. He acknowledged the fact that there was a problem. Though police in Pakistan is known for its brutality but it is also true it is under resourced and ill trained but they are still managing?

MQM is a mercenary group whose HQ is in London and possibility of its leader to go to Pakistan is Zero? It exaggerate everything no doubt death one person is too many but their claim that 25000 MQM workers disappeared is the extreme. Where is the list of those 25000 people and where are they buried? MQM is in power for the past 10 years consecutively why did they not investigate these killings? Why Altaf Hussain never thought of asking for a judicial enquiry into the Karachi Operation in 1992?

The South Africa branch of MQM and its activities are very suspicious especially the Nishtar Park – Karachi terrorist incident when whole leadership of Sunni Tehreek was eliminated. According reliable sources that to those who examined and conducted post-mortems of the bodies found bullet marks and some of them were shot in head. It seems that cause of death was bullets then shrapnel’s of bomb explosion? According to a source that people who were involved in this terror might have been provided safe passage to South Africa? It is reported that the whole operation was monitored by a MQM leader from a minority group? It seems a case of targeted killings. Only a high powered judicial investigation into this act can expose the crime.

It is alarming that MQM members have been issued arms licences in thousands and Rehman Malik interior minister allegedly issued approximately 2000 permits of AK47. Some members of MQM recently absconded from (apart from being on ECL) Pakistan and came to London were allegedly involved in arms trafficking from Baluchistan.

Late Benzair Bhutto “condemned the killings of 650 police officers and said, my thoughts are with families of those killed in the line of duty.

I asked late Benazir Bhutto at dinner in London few years ago to comment on the targeted killings on reportedly more then 650 police officers in Karachi. Most of them killed had taken part in the Karachi Operation conducted by the PPP government. Ms Bhutto, “condemned the killings of police officers and said, my thoughts are with families of those killed in the line of duty. She demanded that (Musharaf) government should brought killer/ terrorists to justice and protects the men doing their job and following orders”. Some people say that MQM is more dangerous then any terrorist organisation’.

After September 11, the United States identified even more with the MQM as it was the only party in Pakistan that widely mourned the attacks on the US, openly condemned the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and launched a powerful campaign in support of the US attack on Afghanistan. MQM has been the only party to support the military’s intervention in the tribal areas.

Asia Times Online reported, ‘sources say that, ‘only US diplomatic intervention stopped Musharaf from taking strong action against the MQM after he received the report on the recent unrest in which the MQM was implicated. Washington indeed has a powerful southern ally (MQM) in Pakistan’.

It is time for the government of Pakistan to approach its friends and allies to have a clear cut answers about the real Agenda in Pakistan? Crimes of Altaf Hussain and his party MQM are so heinous that he couldn’t dare going back to Karachi even the whole period of Musharaf and now Zardari rule?

Until November 1998 Government of Pakistan was reportedly seeking extradition of Altaf Hussain was wanted in 50 murders and 150 cases of kidnapping and arson. Altaf Hussain, a trained pharmacist who has been living in England since 1992. ‘If extradited to Pakistan he will be killed’, said Altaf Hussain in an interview with a newspaper in 1998. “It is my wish that they take me to trial in a British court,” said Mr Hussain. “Then I will tell people nationally and internationally what has been happening in Pakistan.”

Pakistan seems land of the holy men where people are forgiving each other for breaking all laws corruption, extortion, murders, kidnapping and anti state activities including violation of the constitution. Why and how can individuals do that? A senior journalist said, ‘President (Asif Zardari) and Prime Ministers (Yousaf Gillaini) House is subcontracted to Richard Holbrok, Raiwind Palace (Nawaz Sharif) is to Mark Lyal Grant and David Milliband. Altaf Hussain is already a British Citizen an asset whom so social services can handle? This is how a country of 180 million, a nuclear power perceived internationally?

Altaf Hussain woke up recently and started weeping as if he never knew anything for the past years about the Karachi operation conducted during Nawaz Sharif’s premiership? He is woken by the statement of an allegedly corrupt foreign mole Brigadier Imtiaz former head of the Intelligence Bureau who might have lot to answer for the deaths of two Chiefs of Army Staffs General Ziaul Haq and General Asif Nawaz? He allegedly lured General Zia ul Haq to attend that Tank demonstration in Bahawalpur while his friend Major General Mahmood Ali Durani planted the toxic mango crates?

In reality this awakening is linked with the judicial enquiry into the killings of 12th May 2007 and brutal murders of judiciary activist? This is brining sleepless nights? What happened to Major Kaleem of the Pakistan army is still an open file as well as the systematic targeted killings of more than 670 police officers who took part in operations against MQM? This is what making Altaf Hussain do live telephonic speeches otherwise there are many daily flights to Karachi and being a dual citizen he has no restrictions?

A senior London based analyst wrote in a Journal recently, “It is no coincidence that Asif Zardari- PPP swore in two MQM Ministers in the federal cabinet the day the party submitted its draft for 18th Amendment (provincial autonomy) to the Constitution. The dissolution of the federation and creation of a Mohajiristan in Sindh is the ultimate objective of the proposed amendment. The two parties represent hostile Indo-US interests; they want to weaken federal authority and incorporate right of secession in the constitution to facilitate the break-up of Pakistan. The PPP has indeed been a symbol of federal unity until AZ took over. Now it is an instrument of the policies of the enemies of Pakistan.”

“Dr. Farooq Sattar is the one who drafted this bill with mala fide motive in order to make proper political arrangement in the long run for the formation of an Urdu speaking state known as REPUBLIC OF JINNAHPUR as proposed by one MQM Activist – Syed Jamaluddin – based in Europe. Syed Jamaluddin has proposed in his said book that Jinnahpur shall come into being exactly in the same manner as KOSOVO few years ago. Please note that Kosovo was an autonomous province of Serbia. Hence, if MQM´s Provincial Autonomy Bill is approved (God forbid), one day the MQM shall declare independence of Republic of Jinnahpur through a vote in the Sindh Assembly exactly in the same manner as the Kosovo Assembly in February 2008.
Dr. Farooq Sattar has been appointed the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis to pursue MQM’s agenda of bringing foreign investment into Karachi which will be portrayed as DUBAI and SINGAPORE of the future as outlined in the same book “FORMATION OF REPUBLIC OF JINNAHPUR” by MQM Activist SYED JAMALUDDIN. The script of the book was approved by the MQM leaders in London prior to its publication as part of MQM´s policy to blackmail Pakistan’s establishment including the Pakistan Army.
In TV interviews, representatives of MQM have darkly warned that unless their Bill for Provincial Autonomy is passed, Pakistan’s disintegration shall remain on the cards. This is indeed an open threat. (See www.dividepakistan.blogspot.com for the web site of the Indian agent and MQM spokesman Syed Jamauddin.)”

MQM has crossed the lines of terror, corruption and extortion. All political prisoners should be released on merit not used as blackmail?

(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award wining journalist and writer on foreign policy & security based in London)

Ragun ma Dhorti Corruption

Ragun ma Dhorti Corruption

A great article by orya maqbool Jan

15 ستمبر، 2010

Sharam tum ko magar nahe ate

Sharam tum ko magar nahe aate

Sharam tum ko magar nahe aate
col(r) Hamid mehmood
A nice article published in
Mirat ul arifeen international

Quaid e azam ke Zindagi ka Roohani Pehlo

Quaid e azam ke Zindagi ka Roohani Pehlo

(Spiritual Dimensions of Quaid e azam life)

Proff Muhammad sarwar shafqat

quaid e azam ke zindagi ka rohani pehlu


Quaid e azam the great, Pakistan the great
Quaid's view about islam. Religion of quaid. religous life of Quaid e azam

Quaid e azam Zindabad, Pakistan paendabad

Pakistan ko Iqbal ka pakistan bananay ke zarurat

Pakistan ko Iqbal ka pakistan bananay ke zarurat

 (Mirat ul arifeen international)

Takmeel e pakistan

Tashkeel e Pakistan ke Rohani Bishartein.

Tashkeel e Pakistan ke Rohani Bishartein. Ahem Iqtabasat k ainay main

by GM saqib published in Monthly Mirat ul Arifeen International

Courtesy Alfaqr.net.

Aalmi Tanzeem ul aarfeen


14 august pakistan independance day jashn e azadi. a beautiful article writen by G.M saqib published in monthly iraat ul arifeen international.

History of pakistan
spritual dimentions of pakistan
Why was pakistan made.

Nazriya-e-Pakistan(Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali)


An article written by Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali


Nazriya e pakistan An article written by sahibzada sultan ahmed ali on 14 august independance day.
Jashan e Azadi Mubarak
Pakistan independance day

14 ستمبر، 2010

Quaid E Azam nai Farmaya

Great Quotations Of Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

قائداعظم کے معالج ٹی بی اسپیشلسٹ ڈاکٹر ریاض علی شاہ لکھتے ہیں کہ ”ایک بار دوا کے اثرات دیکھنے کیلئے ہم ان کے پاس بیٹھے تھے،میں نے دیکھا کہ وہ کچھ کہنا چاہتے ہیں،لیکن ہم نے اُن کو بات چیت سے منع کررکھا تھا،اسلیئے الفاظ لبوں پر آکر رک جاتے تھے،اسی ذہنی کشمکش سے نجات دلانے کیلئے ہم نے خود انہیں بولنے کی دعوت دی،تو وہ بولے،”تم جانتے ہو،جب... مجھے یہ احساس ہوتا ہے کہ پاکستان بن چکا ہے تو میری روح کو کس قدر اطمینان ہوتا ہے،یہ مشکل کام تھا اور میں اکیلا اسے کبھی نہیں کرسکتا تھا،میرا ایمان ہے کہ یہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا روحانی فیض ہے کہ پاکستان وجود میں آیا،اب یہ پاکستانیوں کا فرض ہے کہ وہ اسے خلافت راشدہ کا نمونہ بنائیں،تاکہ خدا اپنا وعدہ پورا کرے اور مسلمانوں کو زمین کی بادشاہت دے، پاکستان میں سب کچھ ہے،اس کی پہاڑیوں ،ریگستانوں اور میدانوں میں نباتات بھی ہیں اور معدنیات بھی،انہیں تسخیر کرنا پاکستانی قوم کا فرض ہے،قومیں نیک نیتی،دیانت داری،اچھے اعمال اور نظم و ضبط سے بنتی ہیں اور اخلاقی برائیوں،منافقت،زر پرستی اور خود پسندی سے تباہ ہوجاتی ہیں ۔

Quaid-e-Azam's Message On Eid (october 24, 1947)

Quaid-e-Azam's Message On Eid (August 18, 1947)