ٹیپو سلطان کا سفر آخرت

وہ عالمِ تصور میں میسور کے شیر کو ایک خوفناک دھاڑ کے ساتھ اپنے پرحملہ آور ہوتا دیکھ کر چونک جاتا تھا‘ اسکی سپاہ سرنگا پٹم کے میدان میں جمع ہونے والے سپاہیان اسلام کی نعشوں میں میسور کے شیر کو تلاش کر رہے تھے

مسلمانوں کے ملک میں پرندے بھوک سے نا مر جائیں

زیر نظر تصویر ترکی کی ہے جہاں ایک بہت پرانی اسلامی روایت ابھی تک زندہ ہے کہ جب سردی کا عروج ہو اور پہاڑوں پر برف پڑ جائے تو یہ لوگ چوٹیوں پر چڑھ کر اس وقت تک دانہ پھیلاتے رہتے ہیں جب تک برفباری ہوتی رہے۔ اور یہ اس لیئے ہے کہ پرندے اس موسم میں کہیں بھوک سے نا مر جائیں۔

پاپا نے پادری بنانا چاہا ۔۔۔مگر۔۔۔؟

میں اپنے کسی کام کے سلسلہ میں ’’تیونس‘‘ گیا۔ میں اپنے یونیورسٹی کے دوستوں کے ساتھ یہاں کے ایک گاؤں میں تھا۔ وہاں ہم دوست اکٹھے کھا پی رہے تھے۔ گپ شپ لگا رہے تھے کہ اچانک اذان کی آواز بلند ہوئی اللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر۔۔۔

داستان ایک متکبر کی

سبحان الله ! یہ تھا اسلام کا انصاف

میں اپنا ثواب نہیں بیچوں گا

عموریہ کی جنگ میں پیش آنے والا ایک دلچسپ واقعہ

15 دسمبر، 2011

lies of my mother

This story begins when I was a kid: I was born poor. Many times there was not enough to eat. Whenever we had some food, Mother often gave me her portion of rice. While she was transferring her rice on my plate, I said "Eat this rice, son! I have no hungry." This was the first lie of the Mother.

As I grew, Mother gave up their free time to fish in a river near our house and hoped that from the fish she caught, she could give me a little more nutritious food for my growth. Once she had caught just two fish, she would make fish soup. While eating soup, mother would sit beside me and eat what was left in the bone of the fish they had eaten, my heart was touched when I saw it. Once I gave the other fish to her on my stick but immediately refused and said, "Eat this fish, son!" I do not like fish. " This was Mother's second lie.

Then, in order to finance my education, mother went to a match factory to bring home some used matchboxes which is filled with fresh matches. . This helped her get some money to cover our needs. One winter night I awoke to find Mother filling the matchboxes by candlelight. So I said, "Mom, go to sleep, it's late: you can continue working tomorrow morning." Mother smiled and said, "Go to sleep, son! I'm not tired." This was Mother's Third Lie.

When I had to sit my final exam, the mother accompanied me .. After dawn, Mother waited for me for hours in the hot sun. When the bell rang, I ran to meet him .. My mother embraced me and poured me a glass of tea that had been prepared in a thermos. The tea was not as strong as the love of my mother, seeing her mother covered in sweat, I once gave him and asked for a glass of drinking too much. Mother said "Drink, son! I have no thirst!". This was Mother's Fourth Lie.

After the death of the father, the mother had to play the role of a single mother. She clung to his earlier work, he had to fund our needs alone. Our family life was more complicated. We suffered from hunger. Seeing our family condition worsens, my kind Uncle who lived near my house came to help us solve our problems big and small. Our other neighbors saw that we were living in poverty so often advised my mother to remarry. But the mother refused to remarry saying "I do not need the love .." This was my Mother's Fifth lie

When I finished my studies and got a job, it was time for my old mother to retire but who had to go to the market every morning to sell a few vegetables. I kept sending her money but she was adamant and even sent money to me. She said: "I have enough money." That was Mother's Sixth Lie.

I continued my studies part time for my Masters. America funded by the Corporation for which I worked, I got my education. With a big jump in my salary, I decided to bring Mother to enjoy life in America, but his mother did not want to bother your child, she said: "I'm not used to living high." That was Mother's Seventh Lie.

In his dotage, Mother was attacked by cancer and had to be hospitalized. Now living across the sea, I went home to visit her mother who was bedridden after an operation. Mother tried to smile, but I was heartbroken because he was very thin and weak, but said the mother, "Do not cry, son!" I'm not in pain. " That was Mother's Eighth Lie.
He says this, her eighth lie, she died. Yes, mother was an angel!

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